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Victoria Almonte, Ph.D., is an adjunct Professor of Chinese Language
and Literature at Tuscia” University of Viterbo and a post-doctoral fellowship researcher at “La Sapienza” University of Rome.

Her main research is focused on the linguistic contamination and cross-fertilization between Chinese and Arabic lexicon and idioms.

Currently she is working on the realization of a web-oriented dynamic platform (Open Research Environment) based on a responsive database containing toponyms used in selected Chinese geographic works, in order to promote the networking and the sharing of knowledge between researchers.

Full Curriculum Vitae






Ileana Amadei is a Ph.D. student at Sapienza University of Rome.

Thanks to the additional National Operational Programme for Research and Innovation scholarships, she is working on the implementation of the Chinese Toponyms Database and the ORACLEx platform.


Victoria Almonte


  1. “Ibn Battuta e il viaggio in Cina del Nord”, in Atti del XIV Convegno Aisc, Procida, 19-21 settembre 2013, Napoli, 2014, Il Torcoliere, pp. 33-62, ISBN 978 88 6719 070 6;


  1. “中文与阿拉伯文在印度洋的交流——以12-17世纪斯里兰卡地名的演变为中心”, in Atti del Convegno全球视野下的中外关系史研究” 学术研讨会, 2014 in Zhengzhou University, China, a cura della casa editrice Hua Qiao, Beijing, agosto 2015, pp. 283-306, ISBN 978-7-5113-5557-7;


  1. “Identification of some toponyms: Ibn Battuta in China”, in Rivista degli Studi Orientali, Nuova Serie, Volume LXXXVIII, Fasc. 1-4, Pisa, Roma, 2016, Fabrizio Serra editore, pp. 313-332, ISSN 0392-4866;
  2. “La figura di Zhou Qufei e il valore storico della sua opera geografica Lingwai Daida”, in Atti del XV Convegno Aisc, Macerata, 24-26 settembre 2015, a cura di Tommaso Pellin e Giorgio Trentin, Libreria Editrice Cafoscarina 2016, ISBN 978 88 7543 426 7;


  1. “Identifying the country of Meilugudun and the significant value of Zhou Qufei’s work Lingwai Daida”, in Ming Qing Yanjiu, Napoli, L’Orientale, XXI 2017, Brill, pp.1-43, ISSN 1724 8574;


  1. “Zhou Qufei’s work and his historical value” in Italian Association for Chinese Studies, Selected Papers 2, Cafoscarina, pp. 11-18, 2018, ISBN 978-88-7543-455-7.
  2. “La biografia di Zhou Qufei: un tentativo di ricostruzione”, in Dal Medio all’Estremo Oriente, Studi del Dottorato di Ricerca in ‘Civiltà dell’Asia e dell’Africa’, Collana Biblioteca di testi e studi – Civiltà orientali, Sapienza di Roma, Carocci, pp. 89-102, 2018, ISBN 978-88-430-9102-7.


  1. “La concezione delle varietà linguistiche (fangyan方言) nel Lingwai Daida di Zhou Qufei (1178): alcune riflessioni”, in Atti del XVI Convegno Aisc, a cura di Elisa Giunipero e Chiara Piccinini, Libreria Editrice Cafoscarina, Venezia, Agosto 2019, ISBN 978-88-7543-470-0.


  1. The historical value of the work Lingwai Daida by Zhou Qufei, Aracne, Canterano, January 2020, ISBN 978-88-255-2894-7.
  2. “The Arab influence on Zhou Qufei’s Lingwai Daida: Bosiguo and Kunlun Cengqiguo”, in Journal of Asian History, 54.1, Harrassowitz Verlag, Wiesbaden, 2020, pp. 63-105, ISSN 0021-910X.


  1. “Investigation on some animals as mentioned by Zhou Qufei in the Lingwai Daida (1178): the perception of exotic features”, in Italian Association for Chinese Studies, Selected Papers 4, Cafoscarina, accepted, forthcoming.


Ileana Amadei


  1. “Il Daoyi zhilüe di Wang Dayuan (1349/50): uno studio preliminare”, in Lingue, culture e tradizioni dell’Eurasia e del Nordafrica. Un dialogo interdisciplinare tra arabisti, sinologi e slavisti a cura di Victoria Almonte, Alessandro Cifariello e Emanuela De Blasio, Bari, Stilo Editrice, 2023, pp. 73-92