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The CTD (Chinese Toponyms Database) has been realized in its first structure as a Microsoft Access 2016.
In its starting template CTD provides all the geographical sections of the selected five works, with about one thousand records in the toponyms chart. These sections are proved in both Chinese and English.
It allows users to find toponyms and sections in each of the five works, but also makes it easy to compare toponyms across works.
The table of toponyms contains place names in Chinese traditional characters, in the more modern pinyin, three hypotheses of identification (with references) and the explanation of the present geographic place they identify.
The table of sections contains the title of section in traditional characters, in pinyin, the title of the work to which it belongs, the chapter of which it is part, the Chinese text of the section and in some cases the English translation too.
There is also the table of the works. So far it contains only five works, providing the title in pinyin, in traditional characters, the author, short biography of the author, publishing date and a brief abstract.

Below, some snapshots of some parts of the Access Database: